Why are our employees getting sick so often?
10/25/2018 (Permalink)
I manager a large garage door manufacturer in a small town in Northern Illinois.After what seemed like the longest winter in history our employees continued to call in sick and complain of respiratory issues in the warehouse. We could't figure out why they would have such issues at work but were better when they were at home or anywhere outside the plant? We first thought mold? But we couldn't find any? We contacted SERVPRO and asked them to bring their equipment to help us come up with an answer and fast. We were losing a lot of man hours due to illness. They came out and told us that we did not in fact had mold but they did find that behind the padding of our docks doors animals and birds had built nests during the long cold winter! We had never thought of this. The feces and nesting had gotten in the air intake system and had caused all this trouble. We need them to take care of this problem right away will still keeping trucks running and us open for business. They were great in rotating their schedule and ours to get it all done. We have no employees with any issues any more and we now know what to check if it happens again.