What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

We had SERVPRO clean our carpets. We were happy with the quality of service. We liked the attention to us and our customers needs. I would use them again.

We had water in the basement of our business. the SERVPRO team arrived and were polite and helpful in taking care of our needs. I am very satisfied with the service they provided.

We have used SERVPRO several times to clean the carpets at our business. They have always been timely and done an excellent job. They schedule around our busy times and we will be using them again.

We were very pleased with SERVPRO's service. They were very courteous throughout and professional in appearance and conduct.

SERVPRO came and cleaned our carpets. We had the new dark stains removed and didn't expect that all the old stains would be gone as well. Very pleased with the quality of work. 

On April 29, 2017 at 11:00 pm it was discovered that there had been a pipe break on the second floor of Holcomb State Bank in Rochelle, IL causing severe water damage on three floors of the building. Once employees arrived on site SERVPRO was the first call, their staff arrived within the hour and began working immediately to clean up the water damage. Over the next several weeks they were very hands on with the cleanup and always available for questions and any help we needed. We made the right choice contacting SERVPRO – they are a great organization and we would use them again in the future for any restoration emergencies we should have.