What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

OMG! SERVPRO of DeKalb County really helped my husband and I out recently with a broken pipe in our basement! We are new homeowners and were pretty stressed when we went in our basement and found 12 inches of water! We contacted them based on a recommendation from our neighbor and new we made the correct choice. They were great to work with and made the process as efficient as possible. We cant thank them enough.

SERVPRO of DeKalb county helped our daughter out recently with a water loss in her home. She is a single mom and on a tight budget. She was very stressed out when this situation happened and the SERVPRO crew was amazing. We would choose them again. 

I recently had a water line break in my office building. I knew right away that I was going to contact SERVPRO of DeKalb County. I have seen some of the great things they have done for our community and most behind the scenes! They have volunteered their time and participated in many community activities. I know that they care about the community and just knew they would care about my home. I was right and knew I made the right choice. 

I was so happy with the SERVPRO crew that recently took care of the water problem in my apartment building. They were fast and efficient. My tenants were back in their apartments in no time and my building is fresh and dry.

Everyone was very knowledgeable and respectful. I highly recommend SERVPRO to anyone. They did a fantastic job taking down and cleaning up. Amazing work guys.

I wanted to again send positive feedback to Louis and his crew. They were fantastic, responsive,and professional. We were able to resume normal operations before the weekend was over which was outstanding.